As I helped Lynn create our Valentine window promotion I began to wonder …because I know we always have a meaning to every display on Holidays. I suspected what was coming because we recently went to see a rescued, white wolf; and was he ever handsome-and was I ever smitten, to say the least.
The display was a life size wolf and pups that just seemed to be looking calmly-out at the passersby. I wondered about my wild relatives-were they all handsome? I wondered if they are happy, I wondered if they are safe like me, and I wondered if I would ever see my white knight again or, any others.
I tipped my head and Lynn explained that my white knight was indeed handsome and…her inspiration. I learned they are very happy in the wild, but not very safe-and soon…..may not always be there. I was shocked; why would they be leaving and where would they go? Was there something I needed to learn? I kept thinking about education being freedom-like my racing industry.
Many humans don’t really understand the wolf families or how important they are to the balance of Nature; but yet instead fear they will attack people and farm animals. Sadly; the western states and Alaska are shooting them from helicopters. I thought to myself; “Oh if only they had some racing lessons from me, I could help.” And worse; even the special pack in Yellowstone Park is being watched and possibly ground hunted too. It took animal people a very long time to bring them back to the park and now they are in danger all over again too. I get very distressed with humans at times. In my world, we all know and respect each other. We know the planet is just not for us canines-but for all of us to share. I now understood the display, but what could Lynn & I, or anyone do?
So much to my delight, we came up with a ‘howling’ wolf benefit for Valentine’s Day-in honor of my white knight. On February 12-14 we asked our Valentine shoppers to help towards the campaign to save the wolves. And they did! We had a basket full of donations to send off to the campaign. I send all who helped a paws up and a warm lean! (we greys lean on those they like) Please sign the petition and send a message that we want the wolves to stay. It only takes a minute-no strings. I think it was just the perfect day to have a heart for my relatives, I would not want someones sweetheart hunted; and…my white knight…sigh…I loved his eyes…… xxoo Willow