Native Bouquet Blog
Wonderful Wild Wedding Flowers & Bouquets
Any Native American would tell you there are no ‘weeds’; but yet that every plant has a purpose. It is apparent that Brides are taking heed with wild, and wild looking wedding flowers and décor. The look of a wildflower, roadside field with those multitude of near unidentifiable wisps and strands in various colors. Or…that
A Trip To The Flower Farm
Our season of local grown, flowers in the Northeast is nearing full force, so my daily flower offerings will now be dominated by these beauties until late October or so. As an eco-florist, I am a proponent of US and local grown everything so often curiously, asked where in fact are they grown and how
Winter Aromatherapy Tree & Wreathpourri
The holidays are gone and so are most of the decorations except…your door wreath and tree. If you are about ready to dispose of your falling needle wreath or tree; don’t. Instead, honor the branches the tree so graciously gave by creating a lovely sachet of tree or ‘wreathpourri’. Natural, winter aromatherapy is always the
Sustainable Flower And Garden Conference
Recently I was one of the guest, keynote speakers at the State University of NY at Farmingdale in Long Island. It was a conference I was so honored to speak because I never thought I would see one of its kind on the subject of my passions & work-agriculture that saves the environment and its
Martha Stewart’s American Made Awards-Some Good & Bad Things?
Hi Casey-this one’s for you and California Cut Flower Commission and Debra at Slowflowers! **Dear friends, A little background on this post. Martha Stewart has initiated a new program whereby she is giving various US companies an American Made award. This is a super idea, however there is debate as to her criteria with one
Make A Shamrock Corsage For St. Patrick’s Day
The Shamrock Corsage & Shamrock Leaves My latest craze and new corsage or lapel. Fresh, shiny, and long lasting galax leaves are an old fashioned leaf traditionally used surrounding a Victorian, violet nosegay. Make your own shamrocks for pennies with my ‘how to make a shamrock’ on Pinterest. Or….if you can’t be bothered just call-I’ll
2014 Sochi Olympic Flower Bouquets Speak A Russian Language Of Flowers-From South America.
I always anticipate seeing the nearly 4500 Olympic ceremony bouquets as they usually incorporate meaning and significance by choosing flowers according to some tradition and culture of the host country. The 2012 Olympics in Great Britain took it a sustainable step further by requiring all the flowers be grown and locally designed in the UK,
Autumn Decorating With Bittersweet Vine
Everyone loves what has been named bittersweet for autumn decorating. Surprisingly, it is not the original bittersweet botanically; but yet a Solanum genus of Nightshade was first designated as such; which is not a cousin, relative, or even lookalike. Through the centuries names get coined or interpreted and now to us what we know
Save Your Flowers-Easy Victorian Flower Pressing
Now that your garden is in full glory it’s time for autumn, and soon they will be gone. This lament has been going on for 100’s of years but no generation has done more for celebrating nature than the Victorians. They were enamored with it, obsessed over it, and came up with ingenious ideas to