What’s in my bouquet-ever wonder that? Many see all the beautiful varieties but with no idea what they are or what they mean. Check below to see what yours mean.
The Language of Your Flowers
Anemone-expectation and anticipation
Artemisia-power and dignity
Baby’s Breath-pure of heart, festivity
Bells of Ireland-whimsy
Carnation-admiration and fascination
Calla Lily-panache, magnificent beauty
Chrysanthemums-cheerfulness or slighted love
Cockscomb-silliness and humor
Daisy-innocence and simplicity
Delphinium-well being or return of a friend
Feverfew-good health, you light up my life
Gardenia-ecstasy, love in secret
Gerbera daisy-friendship-or needing protection
Gladiolus-generosity and strength of character
Heather- admiration or wishes come true
Hydrangea-devotion or boastfulness
Iris-my compliments, eloquence, promise
Larkspur-ardent attachment and swiftness
Lavender-luck, success, soothing
Lily-gaiety or-coquetry
Marigold-health, joy
Peony-bashfulness, hands full of cash
Queen Anne’s Lace-haven, protection, will return
Snapdragon-you are dazzling-but dangerous
Stock-promptness or lasting beauty
Sunflower-loyalty and adoration-or a little haughtiness
Sweet William-childhood memory
Tulip-hopeless love
Waxflower-happiness in marriage
Zinnia-thoughts of distant friends