270 Walsh Avenue

New Windsor, NY 12553

Local: (845) 562-2820

Toll Free: (800) 368-7831

Online & Call-in Orders & Delivery 7 days a week

VISIT THE STORE Tue.-Fri. 10-5*Thu.6*Sat. 10-3

Good Old Days Florist
We are currently taking a few days off and fresh products from the shop will be unavailable to order-but you can still call us for inquiries and future orders.
Thank you, and I apologize for any inconvenience.

Mini Jack Pumpkin


You see the big brothers but here are the mini pumpkin siblings and cute as can be.  Miniature Jacks packed with flowers, mini candle, ribbons, and….his hat to the side.  Rarely 2 alike and perfect to send for an Autumn thought to anyone from hairdresser to bestie-to hostess and retiree.  Or, line them up on your party table; little and sweet yet a charming impact–as anything in miniature always is.

Mini Jacks app. the size of a small orange.  Flowers & colors will vary with whim but always in Autumn tones.  All with candle unless specified none wanted!

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