270 Walsh Avenue

New Windsor, NY 12553

Local: (845) 562-2820

Toll Free: (800) 368-7831

Online & Call-in Orders & Delivery 7 days a week

VISIT THE STORE Tue.-Fri. 10-5*Thu.6*Sat. 10-3

Good Old Days Florist
We are currently taking a few days off and fresh products from the shop will be unavailable to order-but you can still call us for inquiries and future orders.
Thank you, and I apologize for any inconvenience.

A New Life New Time-The Fix Bouquet


“The Fix”; a bouquet of needful things from Nature for a new year, a new day, or anytime.  A mix of cedar and sage burning, bundles with a fresh rose, and Monarch butterfly surrounded by fresh cut fernery wrapped bouquet style.  A welcome gift for anyone on a new path, in a new home, a depressed spirit, illness, or to just cleanse and disinfect the air in home or office.  In these times, who doesn’t need this.

Cedar & sage have been scientifically proven to disinfect the air for up to 24 hours after burning. Cedar the air cleanser, antiseptic, attracting good thought and eliminates negativity; while the sage a healer, air cleanser, protector against disease and just plain bad spirit. The fresh, rose signifies harmony, unity, and joy; while the butterfly offers new life and transformation.

*nationwide shipping.


1 perfect fresh rose-the color of the week

1 Cedar bundle smudge  8-10″

1 Sage bundle smudge  8-10″

1 4″ Monarch butterfly

Assorted evergreens and fernery.

We have various combinations of smudge bundles; lavender,  lavender/sage, cedar/sage, blue sage/caradonna, and sweetgrass.  Visit here!

smudge sticks


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