Don’t you just love getting fresh flowers or a new bone, but hate to see them dry up and die? Me too. Did you know we have a way to preserve your pretty flowers? We do.

Flower preservation is something I kind of understand. I bet you have brown & crispy flowers in a box somewhere from a prom or an “old friend”. I have bones that I loved too and haven’t looked at in quite some time, however I keep them too and I never forget any of them. When I am sniffing around my preserved stash of bones I am instantly transformed back to its first day of gnawing. Love it. Each one is different and brings back a happy thought.
So, if you were given a special bouquet of flowers at a special time or…from a special person, then don’t just put them in a box or pack them in a closet. Bring your flowers in let us save them for you. We have a big machine called a freeze dryer that will like magic, dry and preserve your flowers. I know how it is to being sentimental for my bones and you will love this for any your flowers for Valentine’s Day!

Willow 🙂 ♥♥